Men Matter

Men Matter is a campaign that focuses on the issue of male domestic violence victims and the lack of resources provided for them in Canada. This campaign creates shelters all over the GTA. New, Safe and Accessible for men to go to.

Mis-Match is a sock brand that focuses on matching unconventional items together to create new ideas and spark imagination. The packaging is influenced by vintage match box design, however, contains two pairs of socks. Mis-Match incorporates both ideas of match boxes and mis matched pairs of socks, resulting in a creative brand.

Mis-Match is a sock brand that focuses on matching unconventional items together to create new ideas and spark imagination. The packaging is influenced by vintage match box design, however, contains two pairs of socks. Mis-Match incorporates both ideas of match boxes and mis matched pairs of socks, resulting in a creative brand.

Mis-Match is a sock brand that focuses on matching unconventional items together to create new ideas and spark imagination. 
The packaging is influenced by vintage match box design, however, contains two pairs of socks. Mis-Match incorporates both ideas of match boxes and mis matched pairs of socks, resulting in a creative brand.


What is Domestic Violence?

Aggressive behaviour, either physical
or mental, within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse
or partner.

Google definitions: Domestic Violence 

Aggressive behaviour, either physical or mental, within the home, typically involving the violent abuse of a spouse or partner.

Google definitions: Domestic Violence 

Who Does
it Affect?

Who Does it Affect?

1 in 4 women
1 in 7 men



1 in 4 women
1 in 7 men


Changing The Conversation. 

Females are often the talked about subject involving abuse and have many resources available to them, including safe spaces, like shelters.
However, men are often overlooked as victims. They experience domestic abuse as much as women yet, there are no shelthers for them in Canada.

Females are often the talked about subject involving abuse and have many resources available to them, including safe spaces, like shelters. However, men are often overlooked as victims. They experience domestic abuse as much as women yet, there are no shelthers for them in Canada.



Making a Statement

The idea of the Men Matter campaign is to use bus shelters, benches and telephone booths as a play on the idea of domestic violence “shelters.” This makes the statement to the public that these places obviously shouldn't be a place DV victims should stay. The idea is to create shock factor using satire so, the public will become aware of the lack of resources for men in Canada, and help change the converstation using the hashtag #menmatter. 

The intial idea of merging match boxes and socks came from
a random suggestion that became a challenge.
Often people mix up their socks and cannot find the other pair. Mis-Match embraces this idea and encourages mis-matching socks as well as helps consumers organize their drawers. This is to better aid them in finding a certain pair of socks when they need it, serving as a functional package in the home. This design focuses on using playful illustrations and bright colours to attract a range of different consumers such as; children, people with a love of vintage designand socks enthuses.

The intial idea of merging match boxes and socks came from a random suggestion that became a challenge. Often people mix up their socks and cannot find the other pair. Mis-Match embraces this idea and encourages mis-matching socks as well as helps consumers organize their drawers. This is to better aid them in finding a certain pair of socks when they need it, serving as a functional package in the home. This design focuses on using playful illustrations and bright colours to attract a rangeof different consumers such as; children, people with a love of vintage designand socks enthuses.



Changing the way we see Men

Men are often seen as the perpetrators or are disregared to be victims  simply because they are male. They are seen as unmanly and weak if they cannot handle disputes. Victims who do come out are questioned whether or not they are really victims and are treated as perpetrators. The desired perception is to eliminate these negative stereotypes on male victims and help others recognize men as victims.

The intial idea of merging match boxes and socks came from a random suggestion that became a challenge. Often people mix up their socks and cannot find the other pair. Mis-Match embraces this idea and encourages mis-matching socks as well as helps consumers organize their drawers. This is to better aid them in finding a certain pair of socks when they need it, serving as a functional package in the home. This design focuses on using playful illustrations and bright colours to attract a range of different consumers such as; children, people with a love of vintage design and socks enthuses.


A New Goal 

The goal is to get the audience to see the ridiculousness of the lack of resources as a way to help them be aware that male domestic violence victims do exist and, is more important and beneficial than allowing the negative stereotype of men to exist and ignoring the hurting victims.

There was a huge amount of trial and error to come to the final package design for Mis-Match.
 I tried many different styles from a regular box, match box, hanging containers, wood, paper, card board and so on. Even with the final design, I went from minimal design to illustrative in the end. With all this test a trial, I was able to come to the best results.


From Start to End

The Men Matter desgin went through many changes to get to its current look. I explored different ways to spread the word about male victims through interactive designs, imagery and typeography. The final design consists of an all type treatment using sarcasm to draw the publics attention. Through constant refinement, I was able to create an interesting and provoking design calling for male DV shelthers. 

There was a huge amount of trial and error to come to the final package design for Mis-Match. I tried many different styles from
a regular box, match box, hanging containers, wood, paper, card board and so on. Even with the final design, I went from minimal design to illustrative in the end. With all this test a trial, I was able
to come to the best results.

when life doesn't give you 
lemons, create a campaign
to grow your own.

when life doesn't give you lemons, create
a campaign to 
grow your own.


Displaying the Campagin 

Creating a campagin about an issue was a challenging process from research to final outputs. There was a lot of time spent getting to an idea that I felt would be both informing and interesting. I used sarcasm on a serious issue to provoke emotional responses from others and push them to take action. If I were to further this proejct, I would be interested in creating an intereactive environmental piece so the public would feel part of the bigger picture.

There was a huge amount of trial and error to come to the final package design for Mis-Match. I tried many different styles from a regular box, match box, hanging containers, wood, paper, card board and so on. Even with the final design, I went from minimal design to illustrative in the end. With all this test a trial, I was able to come to the best results.

Creating a campagin about an issue was a challenging process from research to final outputs. There was a lot of time spent getting to an idea that I felt would be both informing and interesting. I used sarcasm on a serious issue to provoke emotional responses from others and push them to take action. If I were to further this proejct, I would be interested in creating an intereactive environmental piece so the public would feel part of the bigger picture.

There was a huge amount of trial and error to come to the final package design forMis-Match. I tried many different styles from a regular box, match box, hanging containers, wood, paper, card board and so on. Even with the final design, I went from minimal design to illustrative in the end. With all this test a trial, I was able to come to the best results.


Let's make something cool together!

Connect with me ⟶ r.melosha@gmail.com

  Want to see more?   

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